Is picosecond laser an omnipotent artifact or over-marketing? Professional interpretation of
Time:2022-08-17 19:51:50

pure practical information! Picosecond laser popular science paste!

Hello students, today for everyone to popularize the relevant knowledge about picosecond

picosecond biggest advantage
pulse width; short pulse width (time required for laser energy emission)
pulse width; high speed

has a spot on his face, the laser needs 100joules of energy, and the traditional laser takes ten seconds to transmit the laser. however, the picosecond laser takes only five seconds. The longer the stay of
so short pulse width, high speed, what is the significance of our treatment? Laser on the face the greater the thermal damage caused by the greater the side effects of and the slower the recovery period.
(in the early days, many people said that the laser burned the skin, this is the reason)

So, in the past, when the traditional laser treatment, we would choose less energy treatment for many times.

But because the picosecond side effects are now very small, so one treatment can emit the needed energy!
patients; the number of treatment will be less,
drugs; then the side effects will be less,
pain; recovery period will be quick!

laser generally speaking, picosecond is an innovation of traditional laser technology.

if the little sister is interested in picosecond, laser, freckle, acne imprint, or even skin tone, please feel free to follow us.